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Lilark's method

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Lilark's method Empty Lilark's method

Post by Silver Black Sat Jul 09, 2016 11:26 am

Author  Lilark
from Razgriz 1 



P-shifting is ushually ALOT harder than m-shifting, and takes ALOT of practice.But cannot be done without first M-shifting
Sit or Lye down in a comfortable position. Let the silence take hold of your mind. Breath in and out slowly, If you start to get aches and Tingles, this is good. Focus on the parts of your body that have the most about of numbness or tingles. You may also feel a bit of pain, or hear bones cracking and moving out of place. Keep going. Dont freak, just go with it. Think of the way you look in human form. The way the bones are in place and how you move. Compare that with your wolf form. Note how the bone structure is and the muscles as it moves. Think of the bones moving inside of you. Get a mental Image of fur sprouting from every limb. Your skull squishing and teeth becoming sharper. Ears move further to the top of your head and become longer. Hands and feet, becoming paws. You have to think "I am the wolf! I am, I am!" Comletly forget your even Human. You are a wolf in your mind. Then you are a wolf, In body.
Remember that Physically shifting your body can take as long as six months, to two years. It is a long, continuous practice that should be done once a day, at least an hour each.
But it can also can be reversed. To do this, Simply fall asleep, or set a timer to go off so that way you'll remember "Iv gotta go back!!". Trust me you DONT want to be a permenant wolf. Also known as PNR.
Silver Black
Silver Black

Kin/Therio type : Naerubie ( celestial wolf guardian )
Age : 33
Job/hobbies : Comission Artist, Gamer, Singer, working at my own terms.
Join date : 2016-06-24

Your Kin self Information Sheet
Name of your kin self : : Silver Black
What is your kin type ? : Naerubie ( Interdimensional Angel Wolf being )
Describe it Physically : : winged wolf with avian features


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