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What is an Otherkin ?
What is an Otherkin ?
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Deities / Gods otherkins
Mythological Gods & Deities ( Norse/Greek, Chinese, Japanese etc )
From Roma to China, the world's mythology harbours many gods and godesses. In the modern time, scientists are starting to believe that the ancient gods and deities might actually be ancient extresterrestrial beings from other planet systems visiting earth millenas ago. Not all the gods and deities come from the outer universe, some are Earth-born legends that run in many culture. China example has many deities, India too.
Deities, compared to Gods and Godesses, are simply humanoid creatures considered revered as divine beings with greater powers than humans. Some of them could shapeshift, others wield weapons powerful enough to destroy entire cities and I pass. It could be ancient aliens, but could also be humanoids from other planes of this universe while the rest would be just pure fiction.
These Deities had contact with human kind before and even now.
You also have Void, Divine and Demonic deities.
The others, such as Egyptian Gods, Japan ( tanukis, kitsunes and yokai can be considered both deitites and exotic shapeshifters ) Norse, Chinese, Indian etc Gods are refered to as Deities.
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Fiction kins
Fiction kins
Fiction kins are not Otherkins but more of fantasy / media lovers. They are people who will watch a movie or a Tv show and will connect to a specific character on many levels.
Some otherkins say that Fiction kins can connect to these characters who supposely exist in another dimension and therefore is considered an otherkin, which isn't ALWAYS true. Fiction kin is more a fan based kin and sadly a lot of people use the word '' otherkins '' as an excuse to escape reality through their active fantasy, which they are aware of.
Example, you can LOVE lord of the ring and want to be an elf because you love the show but that does not make you an elf kin. Another example would be Toothless from '' How to train your dragon movie '' : fiction claim to either to either connect or identify as a specific character like toothless while it does not exist.
I'm sorry kids, loving movies and tv shows doesn't make you an otherkin. Otherkin are more serious and not based on roleplay.
There is a great example of that Fictionkin right here in the medias. She is a really sweet girl and is brave to share her passion and adopt that life style so don't bully her or any fiction kins out there. They are happy with who they are and there is no reason to be mean with someone who make their own life choice. Live and let live. But this girl here is a good example of what an otherkin is not : Elf Girl
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- Tue Jan 24, 2023 12:50 pm
Silver Black
Fact kins
Fact kin
Factkin claim to be very specific individuals, often in this world that are still living and going about their days. Otherkin identify as creatures that are very easy to differentiate from the physical body-if you mental and phantom shift into a cat, you can tell that something's up with you.
However, how would you know you're a real-world YouTuber or politician if you're both physically human and have human body parts and limbs? You can't claim that you "mental shift into Rick Astley" because you can't ever approximate their feelings and experiences.
What are most factkin then? I suspect most of them are people who do not understand that claiming to be kin means you identify AS something and see yourself as that thing, and many might be using kin to say they relate heavily to certain people, instead of actually being said person.
However, for those who know what they are claiming, they may be suffering from mental illnesses that cause them to misidentify themselves as other living people, similar to some versions of a messiah complex.
In short, factkin do not exist. The concept was thought up by trolls, appeared in the community as a joke and was spread further by ignorant people who did not think to do their research before taking what they saw as fact.
Original Article by Taylarn from Silver Pack
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