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Avian M-shift Guide

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Avian M-shift Guide Empty Avian M-shift Guide

Post by Silver Black Wed Jul 06, 2016 10:31 am

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So, this is an abridged version of the M-Shifting guide I made for Avians a while ago. I cut out the stuff that was specifically Avian, so the stuff that's left is stuff that should apply to (or easily be altered to apply to) Therians. I thought you guys might like some of the exercises and stuff in here. If you are also interested in the Avian bits, shoot me an email and I'll hook you over to the full guide. Unfortunately though, there's a limit of 20,000 characters so I couldn't just post the full guide.
Avian M-shift Guide
Table of Contents:
1. Definitions
2. Intro To M-Shift
3. Into the Mind
4. Important Information
5. Factual Information
6. Things to Keep in Mind
7. Prep Methods
8. M-Shifting: Avian “Theriotype”?
9. M-Shifting: Passive M-Shift
10. M-Shifting: Active M-Shift
11. Initial Progress
12. Important Resources

Definitions (alphabetized):

For the purpose of this guide, the words bellow are defined as follows....
Avian: A human with wings and other necessary modifications for flight.
M-Shift: A shift of the mind, into a combination of yourself and something else.
Active M-Shift: The portion of the M-Shift that occurs continually throughout the course of the day, through your actions, thoughts, and perceptions.
Passive M-Shift: The portion of the M-Shift that occurs when
P-Shift: A physical shift, with traits displaying themselves on your body.
Ph-Shift: A phantom shift, which is something you can feel but you cannot see nor touch.
Theriotype: The type of change you are making; be it into a wolf, a tiger, a lion, or an Avian.
Therianthropy: The art and/or practice of shape-shifting from man to something other.
Therianthrope: A person/being who can practice Therianthropy in full is described as someone capable of metamorphosis from human to other.
Therian: (see Therianthrope)
Astral: Depending on the context, it can refer to either an alternate plane or describe something that is on an alternate plane.
PNR: The Point of No Return, which symbolizes the moment where you lose your ability to go back to what you once were.
LT-Shift: Long term shift, when the shape change is continued over an elongated period of time.
L-Shift: A shift that occurs during the sleep, deriving it's name from a Lucid Shift. It can refer to either an M-Shift or a P-Shift.

Intro To M-Shift:

Before going into the M-Shift, there are a handful of things you need to be warned of/aware of. First and foremost is that this decision will affect your life for ages to come. Once you do this, it will not go away. It's like a muscle... No matter how much you don't use it, or how thin it becomes, it will always be there. Similarly speaking, the more you work it the stronger it will become. The M-Shift is a PERMANENT decision, and will remain with you until the day you die.
If you intend to say yes to this opportunity, realize that you will never think the same way or be the same person. Your thoughts will forever have a trace of this experience. It will change you. Doing this will kill the person you once were... You are going to die, and be replaced with someone who looks like you and has your memories, but have no mistake... You will be different. Some of you might have done this already, and you might realize you aren't the same person you were a year ago. For some Therians, they do this at too young an age to understand; some of them regret it later. So if you are going to do this, do it wholeheartedly. Do not do it with a trace of doubt.
This will not be the same as M-Shifting into a wolf; you will still essentially be human. You will not be a combination of man and beast, but rather of yourself and what you could be. It will not change you as much as the Therian M-Shift would, but it will change you. You will forever have a part of your mind be Avian, even if you do not follow through with the P-Shift, and it will set you apart from others. You might not connect as you used to, or put up a barrier between yourself and others.
Many here already recognize that simply growing wings will make them a different person, but even this stage of the process will make you different.
The M-Shift is a shift of the mind, and throughout this experience you will combine who you are today with all that you have the potential to be, and in this experience it will hold true to you whether or not this is who you were meant to be, or if this is merely one of the many wrong paths you might step down in your life. You may read this guide, but before delving into this world take this warning into account.

Into the Mind:

One of the very first things we must do in any sort of practice similar to this is go into the mind. Particularly for this experience, for the MENTAL-shift, we must evaluate our inner workings. Not only our conscious thoughts, but also our subconscious and more ultimately, who we actually are. If you have anything inside of you, anything at all that isn't 100% for what we are going to do, it either a) won't work, or b) something could go wrong. This ranges anywhere from getting a splitting headache to an irreversible M-Shift into a babbling idiot... So you must must must must must must must must do this first. Try to evaluate your subconscious not only for the sake of knowing yourself, but also to learn about your subconscious thoughts on the process of growing wings.
There are a handful of exercises to get to know yourself, all of which fall into two categories which I shall entitle... Meditative Learning and Dream Walking.
Meditative Learning is when you delve into your being while you are conscious, through very very deep meditation. It is where you eliminate your words and open yourself truly up, allowing you to do a conscious examination of your subconscious mind. A very simple exercise for this is as follows:
Put your hands in your lap, take a deep breath, and focus on your heartbeat. Calm it and still it, and think about your essence. All the labels you have come up with, sentences to describe yourself, phrases…. Throw them away. All gone. Don't use words anymore. Now, who you are… Add in your subconscious mind. Your emotions, decisions, feelings that guide you. They have a touch to them, a tangled mass of color, like a ball of yarn. That ball of yarn is you.
Look at all the strands of yarn, the feelings, the currents that guide you. That is you.
Another more detailed method of Meditative Learning:
Find a comfortable position, and close your eyes. Slowly unwind the tension in your body, starting at your toes, then working up your legs, your torso, your hands, your arms, your neck, and finally your face. Let the muscles relax and go utterly limp, allowing your mind to separate slightly from your body. Let your mind develop, ignoring any physical presence, focusing solely on your consciousness. Slowly erase words from your conscious thought, allowing rivers of feelings to take over your mind. Instead of words, think in their meaning. Allow it to swallow you whole, and remain calm as it takes you over. Open your mind, allowing for more than just your first layer of thought. Allow yourself to feel everything within your mind, let it wash over you. Every memory, every passing thought, every hope, every fear, every doubt, let it run over you. Understand yourself, and see/feel how very uniquely you you are.

Dream Walking is similar to that of lucid dreaming, but instead of taking complete control over your dreams you set them in a direction and let your subconscious take over, and allow the dream to spell out to you what you are on that level for your memory and analysis at a later date. Oftentimes for this portion, it helps to keep a dream journal. When you dream, your subconsciousness awakens and it floods your mind in layers, a deep entanglement of everything within your subconscious mind. If you can realize that you are dreaming, you can stand back and view it all objectively as it plays out.
While there are many methods to lucid dreaming, the core is very simple: realize you are dreaming. A common way of doing this, is by getting into the habit of doing periodic reality checks throughout the course of the day. Once this is habitual, you will also do it in your dreams, allowing you for the opportunity to realize that you are dreaming. This is going to be very delicate, because you have to step back and allow your subconscious to continue the dream without altering it too greatly. You can then analyze this part of yourself through the layers of your sleeping mind.

Things to Keep in Mind:
The M-Shift alone can take months. This is NOT going to be a sudden or fast process. You will not be expecting palpable results in a matter of months. You must be patient, and not rush this process along because if you do, you will do it WRONG and start all over. Then the P-Shift will take more months.
If they are short enough to conceal, you will probably have to trim the primaries and/or tuck them into your pants to keep them hidden. Another alternative is a long jacket (almost like a trench-coat with a second lining, so you can slide your wings between the linings and it won't show from any angle. A good thing to do now would be to get a longer jacket that you can modify later.
Astral wings will help you form certain necessary habits for a complete M-Shift.
Leaning against certain hard surfaces would hurt your wings; build a habit of avoiding that.
Learn to be cautious of your interactions with people and things.
Wings would take a lot of work to develop the muscles necessary for flight; try doing certain exercises that use similar muscles.
Everything within this guide is important to achieving a proper M-Shift; don't think you can skip entire sections in practice and get the full results.

Prep Methods

Wouldn't it be great if you could just decide “Hey, I want to grow wings!” and have M-Shifted, and move on to the complicated stuff? But no, we have to go through all this first, before we can even really expect solid progress. Without solid, palpable evidence until later in the process, doubts are going to be common place. After the Into the Mind exercises, you will no doubt have questions about this and yourself. Get a notebook or a diary or just a piece of paper, and write out your questions. Seeing them on paper will make them all the more real, and you can then write your answers to each question. Each doubt. Each discovery.
Try constant visualization of your wings. They will press against your back, you will feel the feathers against your fabric, their weight hanging off of your shoulders, the rustle of them when you move. When you sit in the car, feel them against the seat rather than your back against the seat.
Write down affirmatives in the journal with your questions, simple things to remind you of who you are and to drill it into your mind. Write the name you identify with (not necessarily your birth name, maybe it's the one you use here, or maybe it's just a name you have inside you but you don't use). Do not go off of your physical characteristics, but who you are within yourself. If you are a guy but identify as a girl, write you are a girl, and visa versa. Write your basic things out, building to where you want to go. For example, I would write:
I am Alexandryne.
I am Alex.
I am a girl.
I am a Therian.
I am an Avian.
I have wings.
I will, and can, fly.
And do something like that every evening before you go to bed, allowing it to sink into your mind in your last few minutes of consciousness.
Beyond these, there are a handful of meditation methods you can work with to prepare for the complete M-Shift. Try closing your eyes and focusing on a single constant: your breath, a clock ticking, or (preferably wordless) music. Create a vivid scene, focusing on your wings. You could be with your flock or by yourself, you could be diving through the sky. The most important thing to focus on right then would be to focus on your wings, on every detail down to how the feathers would be organized.
Meditate on a sped up version of the P-Shift. Focus on the shoulder blades changing, on muscles forming, on your wing-bones growing and growing and your skin stretching around your wings, on feathers pushing through the skin, and then the wings growing and growing until they are full sized.
Meditate, and then open your eyes. Instead of seeing what's around you now, see what could be around you now, so “move” your wings and “see” them move around you. Watch the feathers shuffle and reorganize as you move them, try flapping them, take a step forwards and feel the wind resistance against them.
Find a place that can really be yours, completely private. Where one day, you could take off and fly from (it could be your roof at night, it could be the woods behind your house or a clearing out of the way), and make it a constant in your life. Go sit on that roof every night, or under that tree every afternoon. Make it something actively a part of you, and picture your wings as you sit there, spread them out behind you, and feel the strength and power within them.

M-Shifting: Passive M-Shifting
Passive M-Shifting is the portion of the shift you do while meditating or while focused on it. This is also the second part, past the prep methods, that will get you to where you need to be. There are two major things that we will need to do for this part: One is the visualization of flight, the second is to actually gain astral wings.
For the first one, there are a handful of different meditations. Many of them are used in spells, but the concept is very much the same. You meditate and vividly picture yourself flying, feeling the wind through your feathers and on your face, feeling your stomach drop as you freefall before catching yourself and soaring back up into the sky. Here's an exercise from a while back:
Sit some place where the full moon is in your face. It can be looking out your window, sitting in the grass, maybe sitting in the bed of a pickup truck on the side of some country highway. Stare up at the moon, and just start focusing on your breath.
Keep your eyes open, don’t let yourself fall asleep. Take in the moon, and just try to relax as much as you can. Let yourself melt, your consciousness ooze from your mind into the world around you.
Feel the air, the breeze on your face. Smell all the subtleties around you: your shampoo, the scent of sheets or carpet or grass, the crisp night air… and most importantly, look at the moon. take in the details, see the shadows across it’s face and the surface and the images that it holds within itself. Look to the stars around it, and let your mind meld into the night.
I want you to be aware of everything at this point. I want you to let your mind meld with the animals: let yourself into the dreams of sleeping sparrows, the chittering bodies of squirrels, the sound of the bats, let yourself become one with all the world has to offer you. Join the night.
Your body should be almost foreign to you now, like you are peering into your own consciousness as you are the animals. I want you to force thoughts into your own consciousness, force the feeling of wings into your being’s thoughts. Make it so you (your body, from a third perspective) actually feels the wings.
Any exercise that involves visualizing wings or flight very vividly will do – you can take one from another spell or you can make your own, whichever works best for you.

For Astral wings you need to do similar exercises but maintain that after you stop meditating, as well as develop wings out of energy on the Astral level.

M-Shifting: Active M-Shifting
This is the portion of the shift that you will be doing continuously throughout the day until it is second nature to you. This is where you act as you would if you already had wings. So, while going about your daily life, you will need to be constantly aware of wings on your back.
This is easiest if you have phantom wings. Phantom wings are basically astral wings, but you feel them and are aware of them even if you aren't focusing on them, like an arm or a leg. After practicing your passive M-Shifting enough, these will be ever present and it will make this step much easier.
This will result in being careful while laying down or leaning against something, reorganizing your feathers every now and then, and paranoia. You will need to act as you would with wings; avoid things that might let someone know you have wings, such as letting them touch your back or see your bare back. While swimming, wear a shirt. While in a locker room, change in a bathroom stall.
If you would direct your attention to the Important Information section of the guide, you will see the ways people thought their lives would change in the presence of wings. Using this information, start making changes to your life. Wear baggier clothes, for example.
These things will help you take on the mentality of an Avian and make the bridge between human and Avian that much smaller.
Silver Black
Silver Black

Kin/Therio type : Naerubie ( celestial wolf guardian )
Age : 33
Job/hobbies : Comission Artist, Gamer, Singer, working at my own terms.
Join date : 2016-06-24

Your Kin self Information Sheet
Name of your kin self : : Silver Black
What is your kin type ? : Naerubie ( Interdimensional Angel Wolf being )
Describe it Physically : : winged wolf with avian features


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